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Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Royler’s Big Class at Gracie Competition Team Academy

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Gracie Competition San Diego

Royler’s Big Class at Gracie Competition Team Academy

This past Tuesday Master Royler Gracie conducted another class at Gracie Competition Team Academy in San Diego. The Academy is the first American Certified affiliate of the Gracie Rio de Janeiro Academy (which Royler and Rolker lead in Brazil). The atmosphere of the class was just like being at the Gracie Humaita branch in Rio. With Royler’s energy, techniques and jokes, one could close the eyes and feel like he was being transported to Rio for a moment.

The Academy led by Regis Legre and Johnny Faria is located at 7976 Engineer Road in San Diego, Ca. and can be reached at (858) 505-9917. During the class, the host for Planet X (a Brazilian TV program), Riane Gracie stopped by to interview Royler and film the academy.

Besides Royler, Regis, Johnny and myself two other Black Belts attended the class, Pedro Battaglin and Kevin Hosseini. On a personal note, “yours truly” Kid Peligro, was awarded his third degree by his instructor Royler Gracie!

Check out the class pics below

Lining up before class

Class warm up

Royler demonstrates a technique

Royler clearing up the details

Students practicing

Planet X host Riane Gracie interviews Royler

L-R Kevin, Pedro, Kid, Royler, Regis and Johnny

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