October 1st is the late Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s birthday and this date is celebrated by many BJJ practitioners, especially at Gracie Miami where they will observe a moment of silence today in rememberance of the Grandmaster. Check out http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=144849368889&ref=nf for more details.
The Grandmaster meant so much to so many people words do not do justice, suffice to say that he enriched the lives of everyone he touch and millions he didn’t touch but connected to him thru the art he created, loved and defended along with his family. On personal note his influence in my life is immeasurable and I am forever in his debt. You are dearly missed by us all . . . From the bottom of our hearts: Thanks!
Below is a picture of the Grandmaster with 4 of his sons: L-R Rolker Royler Helio Royce and Robin – (c) Kid Peligro