Gracie Miami
Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Helio Gracie’s Birthday is celebrated at Gracie Miami
By Kid Peligro on Oct 1st, 2009
October 1st is the late Grandmaster Helio Gracie’s birthday and this date is celebrated by many BJJ practitioners, especially at Gracie…
Helio Gracie Cerimony at Gracie Academies
By Kid Peligro on Feb 5th, 2009
The Gracie Academy will host a celebratory gathering/slideshow presentation on Saturday, February 7, 2009 in Torrance, CA and North Miami Beach, FL.…
Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . A New Year is upon us – Royler Gracie Seminar in Toledo, OH – Gracie’s Year End Message
By Kid Peligro on Jan 4th, 2009
The first full work week of a New Year is upon us and I want to take this opportunity to wish…
Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Royler Seminar Rocks Gracie Miami
By Kid Peligro on Nov 2nd, 2008
Royler Gracie Seminar In Miami BeachIn route to a series of seminars in Texas and the West Coast, Royler Gracie…