From XARM:
Los Angeles, California -Art Davie,one of the founders of the UFC® and CEO of XARM, Inc., announced today that heis looking for nine more fighters to join the new reality show series his companyis producing with Machinima and Endemol USA which will be shown on www.machinima.com.
“I need nine more tough guys,” Davie said. “The reality seriesfor Machinima is being taped next month and the fighters we train will fight onJune 24, 2012 at Soboba Casino in San Jacinto, California,” according toDavie.
“The 24 fighters are going to be put through an intense “bootcamp” for three days in May. The boot camp and the event will be filmedand shown on Machinima, which has become the hottest entertainment network onthe Internet,” said Davie.
Machinima has the fourth-highest number of subscribers on YouTube and may bethe most-watched channel that is not on TV, according to a January 24 story in theLA Times. It is catching the attention of advertisers and Wall Street by havingcaptured 149 million unique users and over 1.3 billion views each month.
“There’s a good chance that some of these fighters are going to become bigstars because Machinima is where young guys hang out today,” claims Davie.
Endemol USA is a division of Endemol, which is the world’s largest independentproduction/distribution company with subsidiaries/offices in 31 countries.Endemol’s popular worldwide shows include: NBC’s Fear Factor and Deal or NoDeal; ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Wipeout as well as CBS’s BigBrother.
XARM® is a new combat sport created by Davie that combines arm-wrestling andthe martial arts. It takes place at a table; it was built for digital mediaplatforms, both online and mobile; and bouts take only three minutes or lessfrom start to finish. It bills itself as, “The Roughest 3 Minutes InSports™”.
“Fighters who want to go to the boot camp and become a star, should callbooker/matchmaker Tedd Williams today,” said Davie. “We’re lookingfor guys from 145lbs. to 265lbs. And we want girls too,” said Davie.Williams can be reached at 760-403-6529 or