You only two more days to take Advantage of Pre-registrationprices: It ends Sunday!!!!
The Arnold Grappling Championships are expected to grow bigger and better in2012 as The World Grappling Circuit manages the popular event for the firsttime.
The WGC runs grappling at the Europa Supershow in Dallas and several otherlarge events.
The Arnold Grappling Championships will be held March 2-3 in Columbus, Ohio,with all Gi divisions to be held on Saturday, March 3 and all no-Gi divisionsset for Sunday, March 4.
In addition, in an effort to increase the level of competition, the ArnoldGrappling Championships will run an official ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club)expert portion of the show. The Expert or Advance no-Gi divisions of the men’sand women’s adult divisions will compete in ADCC style. Click here for rules.
The winners of this advanced adult competition will receive free entry into theADCC North American Championships held later in the year. The ADCC WorldFederation will bring its head referee from the Abu Dhabi Combat Club tooversee the competition in the Arnold Grappling Championships. (Note: this isonly the Men and Women Adult Advanced division. All other divisions will havenormal Gi and no-Gi rules.)
Register at
This year’s Arnold Grappling Championships will be like no other. Hope you areready and Good Luck.
400 N. High Street
Columbus, OH