On this edition of No Holds Barred, host Eddie Goldmanspeaks with our colleague Kid Peligro, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, asenior editor of the ADCC News (https://adcombat.com/), and a correspondent on our show.
Our subject is a preview of the most prestigious grappling tournament in theworld, the 2009 ADCC Submission Fighting World Championships (http://adccbarcelona.com),which take place this year in Barcelona, Spain, September 25-27. The ADCC (AbuDhabi Combat Club) tournament is an invitation-only event which takes placeevery two years to determine the best no-gi grapplers in the world.
In this interview, we discuss the significance and history of this event, thefavorites this year in each weight class, updates on who will be competing, whymany top mixed martial arts fighters understand the crucial role of grapplingin that sport, and much more.
You can play or download No Holds Barred at http://nhbnews.podOmatic.com/entry/2009-09-11T15_26_30-07_00.
You can also download No Holds Barred at http://www.mediafire.com/?n42mxoyq1ne.
If one link does not work, please try another. The show is in MP3 format, somay take some time to download.
You can also order tickets for the 2009 ADCC World Championship, which will beheld September 26-27 in Barcelona, Spain, through Ticketmaster, at http://www.ticketmaster.es/search?tm_link=tm_header_search&q=adcc&search.x=0&search.y=0.
The No Holds Barred theme song is called “The Heist”, by IanCarpenter (http://iancarpenter.com/).
Make sure to visit the official boxing forum for No Holds Barred, the MySpaceBoxing Forum, at http://groups.myspace.com/boxing.
No Holds Barred is free to listen to and is sponsored by:
Gladiator Magazine (http://gladmag.com/),for in-depth coverage of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, submission grappling, and MMA, aswell as lifestyle articles on surfing, cars, movies, and more. Gladiator Magazineis available at any major bookstore and online at BJJMart.com (http://bjjmart.com) or Jiu JitsuPro Gear (jiujitsuprogear.com/).
American Top Team (http://americantopteam.com/).Whether you’re a beginner or a champion, train with the champions in BrazilianJiu- Jitsu, boxing, wrestling, grappling, and mixed martial arts at AmericanTop Team. Check out their web site at http://americantopteam.com/.
MMA WORLD EXPO (http://www.mmaworldexpo.com),an event designed for the mixed martial arts community offering hands-oninstruction from professional trainers and athletes, educational sessions withthe who’s who of the MMA world, and an exhibit hall filled with the industry’stop suppliers and services. MMA WORLD EXPO (www.mmaworldexpo.com)takes place Saturday, October 24th, and Sunday, October 25th, at the JacobJavits Center in New York City.
GRACIEMAG (http://graciemag.com),the most reliable source of information on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. GRACIEMAGrepresents Jiu-Jitsu philosophy and features news, profiles, history, photos,videos, and tips and secrets of the mother of all martial arts. Published since1996 in Brazil, GRACIEMAG: The Jiu-Jitsu Lifestyle, is in both English andPortuguese, and is also online at GRACIEMAG.com (graciemag.com).
BJJMart.com (http://bjjmart.com),your premier source for all Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gear, videos, books, and muchmore.
Wrestling 411 (http://wrestling411.tv),providing coverage of the sport of wrestling on TV, the Internet, and radio.Wrestling 411 is produced by Media Sports Productions (www.mediasportsproductions.com/),whose sole mission is the marketing and promotion of the sport of wrestling.
FightBeat.com (http://fightbeat.com/),for news, results, interviews, and free exclusive videos from the worlds ofboxing and mixed martial arts.