If you love watching The International Fight League…
And want more then come meet and train with the IFL’s Top New Coach and Trainer of MMA Champions –
Mario Sperry
- Founder of Brazilian Top Team and former coach of the Current UFC Heavyweight Champion and former UFC Light Heavy Weight Champion.
- Former World Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion – and Master Carlson Gracie’s top student
- Former ADCC Heavyweight Champion
- And teacher and trainer to many more BJJ Champions and IFL Fighters
Then put these dates in your Calendar:
- March 8th – Introduction and IFL Ticket Promotion 1:00pm – 2:00pm $70 includes a ticket to the April 4th Show in New Jersey WWW.IFL.TV
- March 9th – A Hands MMA training session geared to beginner & intermediate combat sport and MMA aficionados’ 1:00 – 4:00 – $135
- Location: NYC Studio X – 115 West 27th Street, Manhattan. www.nycstudiox.com New York City’s Newest and Nicest MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Center
- Mario’s Goal: Is to provide a focused, professional and structured approach to Mixed Martial Arts and Jiu Jitsu he does this by instilling passion and demonstrating his work ethic and his world class skills to our MMA community. He does this through his coaching and training and at his upcoming seminars, at our events and our shows. The best fighters in the world have utilized the traditional Mario Sperry training to give them the skills and preparation they needed to excel at the next level – don’t you think it’s time you also learned from the best?
SPACES LIMITED – So email or call NOW to reserve your spot!
For Press Enquiries: Jerry Milani P.R. Manager for
The International Fight League – 1 212 356 4009
[email protected]
Booking Enquiries: Chris De Weaver 1 917 514 4756 or [email protected]