by Marcelo AlonsoThe relationship between Chute Boxe and Brazilian Top Team has improved a lot lately. Unlike in past times, it’s common to see members of both teams having nice conversations at breakfast at the Japanese hotels before Pride. But whenever the event has a confrontation between members of both Brazilian teams the situation totally changes and the biggest rivalry in the MMA world breaks ou.In the final of thePride GP tournament between Ricardo Arona (BTT) and Shogun (Chute Boxe) the problem started in the corner. After Arona defeated Wanderlei the climate was really tense. Ninja screamed at his brother ‘spank this son of a bitch’, and on the other side Paulo Filho answered showing two fingers (like saying: we are going to win 2 today).After defeating Arona, ‘Shogun’ went straight to Filho. ‘Paulao it’s 4×2 not 2×0’ concerning the score of BTT and Chute Boxe in Pride. Paulo Filho got mad and a confrontation between both members almost started. Thank’s to the leaders Rudimar Fedrigo and Mario Sperry, the worst didn’t happen. In the Chute Boxe lockerroom Rudimar Fedrigo, leader of the team said: ‘He was upset after seeing his friend knocked out. Nobody knows him in Japan, he is the alternate of Bushido, He did that to try to promote himself using Chute Boxe’ said Rudimar while a edgy Murilo Ninja challenged: ‘Master, I fight him in any category 83kg or 93kg’.In the BTT lockerroom Paulo Filho answered: ‘I hate Chute Boxe, they don’t respect anybody. I really hope someone get’s hurt in this tournament in Acacio’s side, so I can get in and beat him badly. Actually I would fight anyone from Chute Boxe no matter the weight category. I’ll shut their mouths’ said Filho, declaring war on Chute Boxe. In Rio de Janeiro Z