Due to the inauguration of BTT Barcelona, we present the ‘I Jiu-Jitsu Camp’ which is done in Europe with the great Masters Rodrigo ‘Minotauro’, Jose Mario Sperry and Rafael Haubert.The event will take place in GIRONA from August 31st to September 4th 2005in ‘Can Sola’, a spacious and quiet place sorrounded by nature and 5 minutes away from Girona’s International Airport.It includes remarkables facilities:- Grass soccer field- Voleiball field- Basket field- Paintball zone- Swimmingpool- 30 minutes away from the beachCONDITIONS:- 5 Hours of daily training. (Between Kimono and Submission techniques).- Boungalows with room for 10 people each.- Full board. Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.- Trip from airport to Jiu-Jitsu Camp not included.- Free and limited parking places.(Reservation required).- TOTAL price, Training, Room and Board: 550,- ? – LIMITED PLACES.Preinscription required: [email protected].PLANNING:- 08:00 a 09:00 Breakfast- 10:00 a 13:00 Class with Masters- 13:30 a 14:30 Lunch- 16:00 a 18:00 Class with Masters- 20:30 a 21:30 DinnerOPTIONAL SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES:- BTT complements shop- Private lessons with Masters- Bicicle rental- Coffee and Bar service- Laundry service