It seems amazing, and it is! Less than 60 hours after ADCC 2005’s last fight, GRACIE Magazine released its special issue, exclusively about the event.’The magazine will be on stands this Friday, because the distribution takes two days, but it’s in my hands already, I just got it from the printing press. It has 76 color pages with reports, interviews, short notes, results and 80 photos selected from among over 3000 (!) our guys took’ declares editor-in-chief Luca Atalla.’Many people aren’t aware because the magazine is written in Portuguese and published in Brazil, but nobody in the martial arts world can beat us in three important aspects: speed, deepness and quality’ assures Atalla, who continues his euphoric speech:’The kudos go to, of course, of our special team. We have excellent reporters, a creative and quick art director, and great, great photographers. For this event especially, attended the man whom I consider the best Jiu-Jitsu photographer in the world, BJJ blackbelt Gustavo Aragao, and the master Susumu Nagao, who is the best MMA photographer in the world. And they were joined by Guilherme Rafols, a talented new guy in the business, who took our cover shot’.Besides the talent, Atalla points to other virtues of the crew: ‘We don’t care about sleep too much,’ he jokes, points out that experience helps a lot too: ‘We are the only media company in the planet that has covered all six ADCCs since its creation by Sheik Tahnoon on 1998.’Atalla finishes the statement giving the English readers the news they wanted:’We are coming out with our English version soon. We didn’t do one before, because we didn’t want to reach the US and the English-language countries without our full power. Now we are ready! In the next weeks, we will launch our English website ( and, within a year or so, we will release our English printed version. I can’t wait for that!’For those who want to support Gracie Magazine’s English version, and those media companies that may want to associate with us, Luca Atalla can be reached at [email protected].