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GONG Kakutougi Magazine launches its bimonthly new premier edition

Home » News Archive » GONG Kakutougi Magazine launches its bimonthly new premier edition


Source: Monthly GONG magazine editors’ room. One of the most important fight-magazines in the land of the rising sun, GONG, will start a new era for the grappling scene. Scheduled to be launched April 7th and named GONG Grapple, this new magazine inside the grappling/submission fight game comes to make history. This news follows the comeback of the company Nippon Sports in regaining control of GONG’s name. Nippon Sports left GONG in October of 2002. Nippon Sports has now returned and joined together with former GONG editorial staff to work on this revolutionary first issue ofGONG GRAPPLE. The premier edition will feature Roger Gracie, Saori Yoshida (women wrestling Olympic gold medalist), Leonardo Vieira’s technique, Leonardo Santos (the guy on the cover), World sambo champion Nikolai Kobivk, Olympic gold medalist freestyle wrestling and etc.

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