The following is not a joke, and the date of the event is May 1, and not April 1. USA Wrestling has announced that it will hold what it calls its first National Open Beach Wrestling Championships on May 1, beginning the day after the 2005 U.S. National Wrestling Championships in freestyle, Greco-Roman, and women’s wrestling in Las Vegas. Here are the press releases, taken from the USOC Press Box site: USA Wrestling to hold historic first Beach Wrestling Nationals in Las Vegas, May 1 stby Gary Abbott – USA WrestlingUSA Wrestling has set plans to hold its first National Open Beach Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas, Nev., on Sunday, May 1. This is the day after the conclusion of the U.S. National Wrestling Championships. The National Open Beach Wrestling Championships will be held Sunday morning, at a site and time to be announced. Those interested in competing should visit ( for complete information on the event when it becomes available. Those who will be traveling to Las Vegas for the U.S. Nationals and wish to participate in the Beach Wrestling Nationals should arrange their travel schedule in order to allow time to compete on Sunday. Beach wrestling is the newest form of international wrestling. FILA, the international wrestling federation, announced the creation of this new style of wrestling during the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. There will be two divisions for the Beach Wrestling competition, Senior and Junior. Juniors are ages 16-18 (Born 1987-1989) and Seniors are ages 19 and older (Born 1986 or before). There will be competition for both men and women. There are no weigh-ins for beach wrestling. Participants will be divided based upon estimated mass into two divisions: Light division and Heavy division. Entry fee will be $30 per person. Awards will be provided to the top four placewinners in every division. Participants must be members of USA Wrestling, or can purchase a membership card at registration. For the Senior division only, prize money will be distributed based upon the number of entries per weight class. The top three placewinners in each division will receive prize money. USA Wrestling has developed detailed regulations concerning the rules and procedures for the National Open Beach Wrestling Championships. These will be available online by visiting Regulations, rules and schedule for Beach Wrestling Nationals by Gary Abbott – USA WrestlingBEACH WRESTLING REGULATIONS FOR MEN AND WOMEN ENTRY: The OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK must be accurately completed and filed at registration. Entry fee is $30 per person. Please make checks payable to ‘USA Wrestling.’ INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: Attractive awards to the top four (4) place winners in each weight division. PRIZE MONEY (Senior Division ONLY): Prize money will be distributed based on the number of entries per weight class. Total prize money per weight class will be divided the following way. Champion will receive 40% plus original entry fee, Second place will receive 25% plus original entry, and Third place will receive 15% plus original entry. MEDICAL INFORMATION: Athletes must be present in competition attire and must submit to a skin disease screening prior registration. The chief medical officer has full authority without appeal in determining the eligibility of an athlete to compete. In the event of injury or illness, no contestant will be permitted to continue the competition without approval of the Chief Medical Officer, whose decision is final and not subject to appeal. SCHEDULE: Sunday, May 1 Start FinishRegistration/Medical Check 9:00 am 10:00 amTournament Setup 10:00 am 10:30 amRules Clinic 10:15 am 10:30 amPreliminaries through Finals 10:30 am Conclusion (Approximately 4:00 pm) Age Groups JUNIORS – 16 to 18 yrs. Old (Born in 1987