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Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . World Absolute Champion in his own words

Of course besides them I faced athletes of the highest level and friends too, and thank God after all these years I managed to reach one of the dreams that I always had,  to be world Champion in the weight and the Open category. This is a dream of anyone that has practiced this sport! In 2008 I reached that goal as a Blue Belt, in 2009 again as a Purple belt along with Yuri Simoes, in 2012 again I won once again the Weight and absolute with Antonio Carlos junior. In 2011, as a first year Black Belt I ended up losing the semis and hit the uprights in  the weight division but now, in 2012 after facing many problems but in 2012 after having faced many problems, I focused and got closer to my little brother Lucas Leite when I came to live with him in California and train with everyone here.

In the middle of the Worlds Camp another unexpected visit by my other brother Raphael Chaves who also moved to California and came to live with us and he helped me a lot. In this Camp I became sure that I was going to be Champion because I trained like never before and I learned a lot. Lots of what I learned in the days before the event where essential to my victory, and of course I have to thank the presence of my Master, friend and brother Rodrigo “Cavaca” who always believed in me and always told me I’d reach this goal. In the finals, when I was losing 4 x 0 and had given up on the match and started to complain about stalling I looked at him and he gave me strength and the path to the victory. He believed in me more than I even did myself. I believe that in every match that I was behind or behind smashed I remembered all these people and all others that were a part of the camp and all that always cheered for me at the Pyramid or in Santos, or in Catiopa and before the matches I told Alan “Finfou” Nascimento: “”Finfou” to beat me today they are going to have to put me out or break some of my bones because I am not leaving here without giving my all”. And that is what I did, I didn’t give up in any of my 9 super hard fights on my way to become the Black Belt World’s Absolute and Weight Champion!

I have to thank  all the people and my friends from Santos that were here with me, to Thiago Abreu who is always with me and has been a part of many International titles, everyone knows how much he has helped me but it needs to be said. Of course I have to thank my number 1 fan, my mother Elisabete de Almeida, I am very thankful from the bottom of my heart
Thanks OSSS

Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,

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