The 2010 ADCC Israel Submission Fighting Championshipis going to be the biggest and best submission fighting event ever to hitthe region with over 250 competitors and a superfight between world renownedgrappler and 17 time grapplers quest champion Jeff Glover vs. Israeli BJJBlackbelt Roy Neeman who took 3rd place in the world no-gi championships and isone of a handful Israeli’s to hold a blaskbelt in BJJ. This superfight will beanything but boring as both competitors are sure to bring their best in theirefforts to submit each other.
This is the second time the ADCC will be held in Israel following a successfultournament last year. In fact this year the ADCC will be televised on nationalTV bringing tons of exposure to the sport of submission Fighting. ADCC Israelis sure to be exciting tournament that will please the crowd, participants andADCC fans.