Many MMA fans cringed as Shinya Aoki snapped SengokuChampion, Mizuto Hitora’s arm over a week ago. But even more so, hisantics following the fight made MMA purists outraged.
The DREAM Lightweight Champion, flipped off his opponent and the crowd whichprompted serious ramifications in Japan.
Paraestra Dojo (Tokyo) made a public announcement on their website regardingAoki which is sending shockwaves through Japan.
A brief statement on the gym’s website reads said Aoki has been relieved of hisduties with immediate effect although he is expected to stay a member of thegym
Aoki broke the arm of his opponent at Dynamite!! 2009, before flipping him offas he writhed on the floor in agony. Aoki has since apologized for anyembarrassment caused by his actions and intends to get back to his martial artsroots to rediscover himself.