Royler Gracie Seminar in Bali
Royler Gracie will be conducting a seminar in Bali this Saturday. The event goes down between 11:00 AM – 1:00PM and will be held at
Synergy Jiu-Jitsu Academy, Jl. Nakula, Kawan Building 2nd Kuta, Bali. Don’t miss the rare chance to attend a Royler seminar in Indonesia
For more info and to secure your spot call: +62.856.1808804
From there Royler will tour Australia and the later in the year he will be in Minneapolis at Greg Nelson’s academy from 12-3pm for a seminar on September 26.
Chico Mendes Personal Training Program in Denmark
Check Mat Black Belt Chico Mendes will be conducting a personal training program in Denmark. Below is the schedule:
Thursday the 10th & Friday the 11th a class from 18:00-19:30 and from 19:30-20:30 (Hard training).
Saturday the 12th & Sunday the 13th class from 12:00-13:30
Monday the 14th to Friday the 18th a class 18:00-19:30 and Monday to Thurday a class from 19:30-20:30 (Hard training).
Saturday the 19th to Sunday the 20th a class from 12:00-13:30
Monday the 21th to Thursday the 24th a class from 18:00-19:30 and Monday and Tuesday a class from 19:30-20:30 (Hard training).
The website is
And the address is :
Arte Suave CPH
Tranevej 16
2400 Copenhagen
Zaid Mirza launches a Gi made in Jordania
Black Belt Zaid Mirza has been spreading the Jiu-Jitsu art in Jordania and doing a bang up ob. His latest venture in that Country is to produce a local Gi with a Brazilian Flairfor that Zaid got together with Royal Kimonos and afyer extensive trainng with the Jordanian army is ready to start production
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