The invitee names continue to pour from ADCC and the latest list is great. None other than Dean Lister, Rousimar Palhares, Vinny Magalhaes & Milton Vieira. Lister is a former Absolute and Superfight Champion and always a dangerous man and a Kingof the Cage andf UFC veteran. Palhares is a current UFC fighter who is a monster on the mat. Vinny Magalhaes is a veteran of the Ultimate Fighter and Vieira is a veteran of ADCC 2007 and an MMA fighter as well.
– 98.9kg Vinny Magalhaes “Pezao”
– 98.9KG Dean Lister
– 87.9 Rousimar Palhares “Toquinho”
– 76.9KG Milton Vieira
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