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ADCC Texas Championships in Houston with Cage Fighters sponsorship!

Home » News Archive » ADCC Texas Championships in Houston with Cage Fighters sponsorship!


On July 25th at the ADCC Texas Championships in Houston, TX we will be having a Cage Fighters sponsorship raffle.

Zebra Mats has donated one of their 20×20 Home Mat Systems, a $500 value. We will sell raffle tickets at $5 each. All proceeds will go to one lucky Texas Fighter.

Here is what you do: e-mail me at [email protected] and vote for your favorite Texas Cage Fighter. The person with the most votes gets the money. This is open for both professional and amateur fighters. However, amateur fighters money will be give to their gym for training.

Don’t forget, we will be selling the Zebra Tournament Mats. This is the highest quality grappling mat on the market. You can save big on getting once used mats and not paying for shipping. Contact [email protected]

Sponsored by: Rupture Clothing, Zebra Mats, OTM Fight Shop, Budo Videos, and My Fit Foods.

Start voting now!!!!

Any questions, please let me know.

Brett Boyce

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