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Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Brasa Team Splits – Mike Fowler in Oahu – Black Belt Network

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Brasa Team Splits

It is quite normal part of the progress, a new or old team grows big and eventually personalities and priorities break them apart. it has happened to just about any major team but now is seesms that growing pains are causing turmoil at Brasa Team. Rumblings and rumors of Brasa team’s internal strife started circulating a few months ago. Now the rumors appear to be solid with the team perhaps spliting. Brasa has been in a state of flux for some time and after the poor showing at the Worlds the team leaders have been talking and the apparent end result is that there will be a split  and re-structuring of the team. Although everyone in the team is still tight lipped about it, we hope that soon we will have statements from various parties about the new direction of the team etc

Mike Fowler at the Boar’s Nest in Oahu 

Top Black Belt Mike Fowler surfing after his Worlds 2008 campaign ? ! ? The word is that Fowler was on his way back home to Guam when he decided to stop in Oahu, for some R & R. There Fowler met up with Kai Borg and the Boar’s Nest troops and has been cruising the North Shore since. But of course if you are a top BJJ figther on vacation in Hawaii what do you do? Surf? NOT! THe ever smiling Fowler has been spotted training regularly with the "Nest boys" and having a great time as well. 

Black Belts Network Update
I am happy and eager to resume our monthly BJJ Black Belt training sessions.  I realize there are several big tournaments coming to town in the summer and what better way to sharpen your game then to train with a room full of BJJ Black Belts.
I want to arrange a session for July, a Saturday or Sunday and I need a black belt to host the training at their academy.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you want to host the training, I need to have enough time to send out invitations and publicize the event. I am open to any suggestions for dates and times, keep in mind any tournaments held in July that may conflict with our training session.
Thanks again for everyone’s patience I am sure we will have another outstanding Black Belt training session that is both informative and valuable to all. Please take note of my new telephone number, take care guys hope to hear from everyone soon. 

Anthony Del Valle – 909-733-1900

Now go train Jiu-Jitsu,

Kid Peligro
[email protected]
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