European Shindokai International Summer camp
Annual Shindokai Branch Chief Meeting
Organizer: Hungarian Shindokai Karate & Thai Box Federation
tel. (+36) 20-260-8457, mail: [email protected]
Hotel Rila (1097 Budapest, Fehér Holló utca 2.)
Price per person: 180 Euro / including: accommodation; meals
Trainings: Shihan Gilles Richard (shidokan); Shihan Romas Navickas (shidokan-grappling)
Arriving time: 21st July (Monday) in the afternoon
Training days: 22-25. (Tuesday-Friday)
Daily programs (plan):
07.00-09.00 breakfast (free time)10.00-11.30 technical training12.00-15.00 lunch (free time)16.00-18.00 fight training18.30- dinner (free time)
Exam for black belts: on the 25th July (Friday)
Departure time: 26th July (Saturday) in the morning
We need number of persons from each country to make hotel reservation!
English contact for further information: