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Grand Master Alvaro Barreto conducted Black Belt Graduation Ceremony

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April 24th 2008, the Carvalho Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Rancho Cucamonga California had the distinct honor of having 9th degree Grand Master Alvaro Barreto share his 55 plus years of jiu-jitsu experience. He shared with the academy the educational, philosophical, well being and self-defense aspects of the most complete martial art in the world "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu". In addition to the seminar he conducted a personal graduation ceremony to present Professor Pedro Carvalho his 4th degree diploma, Professor Rodrigo Teixeira his 2nd degree diploma, Professor Emilio Samartin his 1st degree diploma and Professor Ernest Estrada and Professor Brian Ogas with their Black Belt Diplomas from the Federacao de Jiu-Jitsu do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. It was a motivating and inspiring ceremony, one that will not soon be forgotten. To request a seminar from Grand Master Alvaro Barreto call Eduardo Barreto at 561-352-0434.

To view ceremony click on link below.

Emilio Samartin, Rodrigo Teixeira, Pedro Carvalho, Grand Master Alvaro Barreto, Ernest Estrada and Brian Ogas


Thank you,

Emilio T. Samartin

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