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Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . 2008 Pan Brown Belt Absolute and Black Belt Absolute Quick Report

Home » News Archive » Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . 2008 Pan Brown Belt Absolute and Black Belt Absolute Quick Report


All photos by Kid Peligro (c)

The second day of the 2008 Pan went off big time. In the Brown Belt Absolute a flawless performance by Kron Gracie proved that he is the best in the world at his belt, no question! Kron submitted all 5 of his opponents including one of the World’s top Brown Belts, Chris Moriarty, in the finals to take the title. Kron’s game was more fluid and aggressive than ever and his opponent’s could not keep up with his quickness of thinking and reacting. Moriarty’s instructor, the famed Romero "Jacare" put it best: "Kron’s metal speed is at another level, he is much faster than the rest and they just can’t keep up with him. I am happy for him and for my fighter as well."

In the Black Belt Absolute, the finals are set, it will be Andre Galvao v Roberto Tozi. Galvao submitted Luis "Big Mac" Theodoro with a choke to reach the finals (no easy feat). Tozi used his traditional powerful game to overcome his opponents and reach the other half of the final

Tomorrow more Brown and Black Belts 

Kron takes Moriarty's arm Kron celebrating the GoldGalvao choking Big MacGalvao celebrates

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