I would like to personally invite everyone to this edition of Winter Wars Sat. Feb. 9th at Greenhill School in Addison, TX! We are excited to announce that this year we will be offering $500 CASH prizes to all Men’s Open Class 1st Place winners! Make sure to register at www.carlosmachado.net before 2-5-08 to receive your registration discount. This will be a Gi only, double elimination tournament. Train hard and we look forward to another amazing event.
This will be the last tournament that me and my staff will be putting on from here on out. So even if you can’t compete we would like to have as many people as possible that have ever supported our events to be there for a farewell tribute to all the Machado tournament organizers. Being one of the first to bring not only BJJ but competition to Texas was a pleasure and I want thank everyone who has ever been there and supported my events!