Alliance’s head coach Romero “Jacare” Cavalcanti along with Fabio Gurgel, Fernando “Soluco” de Pierro, Rubens “Cobrinha” Charles and Tarsis Humphreys will be teaching two classes a day followed by a conditioning session. Get ready for the world championships by training with the best and watching how they prepare themselves.
• When: August 14th – 21st
• Where: 6331 Roswell Rd, Atlanta GA 30338
(404) 843 – 0606
Members pay $300 and non-members pay $400. Alliance will provide a shuttle service to bring students from the local hotels to the academy. In addition we will be working with local companies to help provide food and accommodation for all at an affordable price. For more information and details on how to register call Alliance at
(404) 843-0606.
It is our great pleasure to invite you and your organization to attend and compete in the 4th annual Maui Jiu-Jitsu open Tournament. The event will take place on Saturday, July 28, 2007 at the War Memorial Gymnasium in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii. We also welcome back all who attended last year’s event. We expect this year’s tournament to be even larger, with bigger and better competition!
Competition will consist of matches in all belt levels and weight divisions with medals, trophies, and prizes to the winners as well as the always competitive team competition, with trophies and prizes to the top three teams. As with the growth of our sport, we at Maui Jiu-Jitsu are always striving to expand and improve on our tournament. At this time, we are planning to hold several exhibition matches between black belt competitors. Anyone locally here who are interested – please contact us.
Due to the growth of our tournament, we are implementing a new registration and weigh-in system to help facilitate a timely start and finish to the event. Please pay close attention to the changes made in order to ensure an enjoyable and problem free tournament experience. For more info go to