Robert Drysdale celebrated his conquest of the absolute class of ADCC 2007 in the arms of his Brasa teammates. At that moment, the last bulletin of on-line coverage was being posted to and the GRACIE Magazine team started setting up camp at the Gracie newsroom, in Rio de Janeiro. The operation was something akin to war, but the mission, pacific: to put together an issue that would convey to the reader all the emotion of the battles that took place in the Sovereign Bank Arena, in Trenton, New Jersey, and to do so in the shortest period of time possible.
Running on no sleep (it was already early morning), the team in the newsroom and special delegates in Trenton chose photos, wrote texts, diagrammed the pages… all at a frenetic pace, but with maintaining GRACIE Magazine quality in the event’s coverage in mind. After a marathon of 21 hours, 92 pages were ready to be sent to the printers. Mission complete? Not yet…
It was time to put our faith in the efficiency of the printing press. And as planned, on Wednesday, less than 48 hours after the last fight of the greatest submission wrestling competition on the planet was over, GRACIE Magazine #123 was ready and on its way to the USA.
It was all worthwhile. Holding GM #123 in his hands, Victor Costa, owner of the Koral brand, was excited by the photography, and proud, lauding the more-than 10 professionals on the GRACIE Magazine team that sacrificed so that you, friendly reader, may have a quality product in your hands.
GRACIE Magazine #123 is already flying over to the United States, and will soon be in your mailbox, your academy or a retail outlet near you. But in the meantime, we recommend you pay a little visit to There friendly web-surfers can find a special photo gallery, with magic moments from ADCC 2007. We’d also like to remind you that you can also find on our site GRACIE Magazine #122, with the 100 things you should do before becoming a black belt. And what’s more, those that subscribe to GRACIE Magazine will receive an exclusive t-shirt. Become a part of the family and, more importantly, enjoy your reading!
Pre-order your copy at