ADCC Brazil Trials Ready to RockThe largest ADCC event ever is about to take place. The 2007 ADCC Trials Brazil edition breaks every record in ADCC history in number of competitors. The event taking place in Rio, Brazil is by far the largest ever ADCC sponsored event. All the judges and many of the top members of the ADCC comitte including point man Guy Neivens are already in Rio to oversee and coordiante the entire process along with the local organizers.With names like Andre Galvao, Celsinho Vinicious, Fabricio Morango, Rani Yahi, Bruno Bastos, Romulo Barral, Hannette Quadros, Leticia Ribeiro and many others, participating in this trial by fire, one can assume that the winners of the Brazil trials will immediately be considered favorites to the main event.For the latest complete list of the competitors (as of last count) check out JIU-JITSU CHAMPIONSHIP 2007The tournament will take place on March/April 30th, 31th and 1st in California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson – California.The PanAmerican Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2007 is realized by United States Jiu-Jitsu Federation.California State University, Dominguez Hills1000 E. Victoria StreetCarson, California 90747The athletes must be at the warm up area, according to their fighting schedule.The athlete only can enter in the fighing area when is called by the official.In case of victory the athlete must return to the warm up area, and remain there till the next fight.No coaching is alowed in the fighting area.ALL ATHLETES MUST CHECK THEIR SIGN-IN INFORMATION ON THE SIGN-IN CHECK DAY – MARCH 28 ON OUR WEBSITE WWW.IBJJF.ORGThe athletes must make sure that their information is correct by checking the website on the registration list for their weight, belt, academy, age division, and name information. If there are any mistakes on the information (ei. typing mistakes by IBJJF) please send an email to [email protected]. (deadline March 28, 5PM pst) .The IBJJF staff will be available at the Jiu Jitsu Pro Gear store on March 28 for the sign-in check day, from 11:00AM to 5:00PM. March 28 will be the last chance for any corrections on the registration information. Any change on the registration that was not by the IBJJF organization will have a fee of $25.NOTE: The athletes can make 1 change on the registration at no charge, by sending a email to [email protected] with the subject ‘PAN AMERICAN CORRECTION’. The deadline is March 26 5PM pst.Jiu-Jitsu Progear www.jiujitsuprogear.com4646 Manhattan Beach BlvdLawndale, CA 90260-2581, US For the first time in the US, the brackets will be released before the tournament . On Thursday , March 29 the brackets will be available online at our website. After the sign in check day, no changes will be made and no refunds will be given. During the tournament, any mistakes on the brackets that were not correct previous to sign-in check day will lead to immediate disqualification . PAN-AMERICAN JIU-JITSU NO-GI CHAMPIONSHIP 2007The first Pan-American Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi championship 2007 will be held on Friday, March 30th, prior to the main event. This event will be separate from the gi tournament and points will be tallied separately for the academies as well. The points breakdown is as follows: First place- 9 points, Second place- 3 points, and Third place – 1 point. The event will be limited to 200 athletes. when the registration reaches this limit, no more registrations will be accepted. (After the limit of 200 registrations, the only exceptions will be for the Black Belt divisions wich maybe accepted under IBJJF approval) This No-Gi event is available only to the athletes that are registered in the gi tournament. The belt division that the athletes registered in the GI tournament will correspond to the belt division that they must register into the NO-GI tournament.Each athlete will receive a No-GI kit wich has the value of U$60.00 sponsored by IBJJF . (this kit will be the official uniform for this competition, no other uniform is acceptable).The rules will be same as the Gi tournament.Divisions:Male – Adults only;There will be 5 weight categories on the male division and will be separated in blue, purple, brown and black belt.PESO/WEIGHT ADULTO KG ADULT LBS PLUMA/FEATHER 60,999 134,50 LEVE/LIGHT 72,999 161,00 MEIO-PESADO/MEDIUM HEAVY 84,999 187,50 SUPER PESADO/SUPER HEAVY 96,999 214,00 PESAD?SSIMO/SUPER SUPER HEAVY Acima de 96,999 Over 214,00 Females – Adults only;there will be 3 weight categories and 2 belt divisions. Blue and purple (compete together) 7minutesBrown and Black (compete together) 10 minutes. Weight listPESO/WEIGHT ADULTO KG ADULT LBS LEVE/LIGHT 55,999 123,50 MEDIO/MIDDLE 65,999 146,00 PESADO/ HEAVY Acima de 66,000 Over 146,00 PAN-AMERICAN JIU-JITSU NOVICE CHAMPIONSHIP 2007The Pan-American Nnovice championship 2007 will be held on Friday, March 30th, prior to the main event. On This event the points will be tallied separately from the main tournament. The points breakdown is as follows: First place- 9 points, Second place- 3 points, and Third place – 1 point. The event is for white belts only, MALE: ADULT or MASTER, and FEMALE: ADULT, and is intended to give budding competitors experience in the largest US tournament alongside many of the great athletes in sport jiu-jitsu. Fight time: 5 minutesThere is no open class. For more info check out ‘Comprido’ Medeiros USA Seminar Schedule Multiple times World Champion Rodrigo ‘Comprido’ Medeiros is touring the USA and MExico. Comprido will be conducting a series of seminarsdates and location below:Chicaogo – Illinois:Feb 3 Flomma AcademyPrivates available between Feb 15-17th [email protected] – 847 934 1356Arizona:February 5th – Laurita Martial Arts[email protected]Hermossilo, Mexico February 7 – 15th [email protected]Also don’t forget their bjjcamp:buzios March 2ndFor more info check out