EXTREME GRAPPLING OPEN (EGO)OCTOBER 21ST, 2005Gi and No-Gi Divisions!The Indiana Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy (www.ibjja.com) will again be hosting the E.G.O. (Extreme Grappling Open) tournament on Saturday, October 21ST. The tournament will be held at Sports Of All Sorts in Indianapolis, IN and will have Gi and No-Gi competition. We will also be holding four 8-man invite only tournaments and one 8-woman tournament. The winners of these divisions will receive nice Championship Belts and 2nd place competitors will receive a Battle Axe, with 3rd placers getting a Samurai Sword. All other 1st- 3rd place competitors will receive medals. The invite only weight classes are as follows:- Lightweight men 130 ? 160lbs. – Middleweight men 161 -190lbs. – Heavyweight men 191-220lbs – Super Heavyweight 221 & upWomen?s Invite tournament weight class is; 130 -165lbs We are taking applications now for the invite tournament. Send grappling/fight resumes to [email protected], complete with height, weight, grappling/NHB experience, awards, Team, and any other information you think may earn you a spot in one of the brackets. The tournament info and registration is posted at www.ibjja.com or you can link directly to the Word document at www.ibjja.com/misc/EGO Packet.doc Please visit http://ibjja.com/egodetails-2005.html for results and pics of last years event!