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Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Xande Ribeiro Steals the show and gets all the gold!

Home » News Archive » Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Xande Ribeiro Steals the show and gets all the gold!


The World aAbsolute title ended up with an incredible finish! With less than 2 minutes to go in the match and Roger leading 4 x 2 in points and on Xande’s back( Xande on all 4’s no hooks) all he needed to do was to maintain the position and get his long coveted absolute title. Yet Roger went for the finsh, The same characteristic that makes Roger the finisher that he is cost him the title! After a scramble both fighters stood up and Xande saw his oppening and seized it with both hands taking Roger down with time running out to secure the Gold. Xande was the fighter of the event, as he stated: ‘He submitted 10, I submitted 9 but I have the win. I cerdit this to training with my brother, he gets me in the same bad positions as Roger does so I was ready to face him. He was ahead and I came back twice! This is a dream come through!’Xande also won the Heavy weight division submitting Thiago Gaia in the finals. Roger won the Super-heavy beating Robert Drysdale by submission as well.In other fights Andre Galvao submitted Nino Schembri with a choke in the semi’s and lost to Marcelo Garcia by 2 x 0 score in the middleweight. Bibiano Fernandes took Gold in the super-feather, Cobrinha beat Feitosa for the feather, Celsinho over Mario Reis in the light. Braulio Estima beat teammate Delson Pe de Chumbo for the middle-heavy and Gabriel Gonzaga beat Leo Leite for the over. Daniel Pit Otero defeated Ivaniel Oliveira for the rooster title.Ladies notables had Michele Nicoline, Leticia Ribeiro and Kyra Gracie taking the lighter titlesAdult Team results saw Brasa Team win gold followed by Gracie Barra and Gracie HumaitaMore reports ands pics in eeh next few days. Congratulations to all the Champions and especailly for Xande!Kid

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