Olympic Judo stylist Rhadi Ferguson has been a fixture at Florida’s ATT academies for the past several years, and last Tuesday evening it paid off, as Rhadi was awarded his black belt in BJJ by Master Ricardo Liborio.This is what Rhadi had to say about it: ‘Tonight was a surprise and a blessing. Since moving to South Florida it has been an honor to train with one of the best fight teams in the world. After moving from Maryland I was very concerned about finding another school that was on par with the instruction that I was receiving from the Olympic Training Center and that of my former Brazilian Jiujitsu instructor and personal friend Lloyd Irvin. Lloyd took me under his wing and not only added color to my belt but he colored my game and taught me the ins and outs of life on the mat. When I arrived in Florida I arrived with a full set of tools that Liborio and the members of American Top Team were able to use, sharpen and add to and I can honestly say that I feel that my martial arts career is full. I’m sure there is much more to learn and many more areas in which I can grow, but I must say that I am blessed to have been instructed by the best in the business – I’ve had the best of three worlds. I’ve been coached by 1984 Olympic Bronze Medalist Eddie Liddie, I’ve been instructed by Hall of Famer Lloyd Irvin, and I’ve been taught and have been instructed by arguably one of the the best Brazilian Jiujitsu practitioners to ever put on a gi, Ricardo Liborio. Lloyd Irvin has certainly proved his mettle as an instructor and Liborio welcomed me into his dojo by providing me with one of the best @ss whippings that I’ve ever had on the mat and then showing me where I went wrong. His instruction has increased my mat game ten-fold. Tonight I had to fight back the tears as I thought about the times that I’ve been on the mat down here in Florida with Liborio, Renato Tavares, Jeff Monson, Marcus Aurelio, Dennis Kang, and many others. I thought about the times that I rolled with Lloyd and Donald Achnick, and Mike Fowler in Maryland and we practice as if we didn’t like each other. It was great having my wife and my son on hand when I received my black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu tonight. I felt honored to receive my promotion this evening. There have been so many people who have helped me in my career as a grappler. Tonight was an awesome surprise. The American Top Team is an awesome place to train. Any night you may have the opportunity to practice with 4 or 5 World Championship medalists in BJJ. In America that’s just crazy, but for me it’s a reality every Monday through Saturday! 🙂 Long Live Team Lloyd Irvin and Long Live – The American Top Team!!!’ Rhadi FergusonBJJ Black Belt American Top Team 2004 Olympian 4-Time National Judo Champion ADCC 2005 Veteran 2001 Mundial Silver Medalist (Roxa) 2001 Pan Am Silver Medalist (Roxa) Rhadi Ferguson, M.A.T., CSCS 2004 Olympian 4-Time National Judo Champion Intocombat – V.P. http://www.intocombat.com http://www.intocombat.blogspot.com http://www.rhadi.com