Mr Nayak said he wanted to achieve a feat and be uncommon A two-time Guinness record holder is hoping to enter the record book for the third time by completing 114 fingertip push-ups in 60 seconds. Martial arts instructor Bibhuti Bhushan Nayak said the attempt took him one step closer to achieving his goal of having 72 Guinness records in his name. His previous records are for breaking three concrete slabs on his groin and the most back-hand push-ups in an hour. Guinness authorities say they are now authenticating Mr Nayak’s claim. Mr Nayak said he had to prepare himself mentally for four months before attempting the record. ‘I knew this was my one shot at this record because you cannot try and attempt the same thing too often,’ he told the BBC News website. The event was supervised by three judges and filmed on camera, in accordance with the rules laid down by the Guinness authorities. See complete article at BBC News: