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Bitetti helps Minotauro with gi

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text and photos by Marcelo Alonso In order to get prepared to face the Judo champion Pawell Nastula in next Pride (June 16), Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira counted with the help of many Brazillian Judo champions. In Brazil He was helped by the heavyweight, Leonardo Leite (former brazilian national team representative) who visited BTT many times to help Rodrigo playing the Polland fighter. In Japan Minotauro is counting with the suport of another Judo Brazilian National Champion, Amaury Bitetti. Famous in Brazil for his multiples titles in Jiu-Jitsu (weight category and absolute division) Amaury also got a national Judo title in 1995. ‘I don’t know if He is going to use gi or not but I’m prepared for both situations’, said Minotauro making clear that He is not going to attend Nastula’s requirement. ‘He asked Pride to change the time of the fight and also requested that I used gi. It doesnt make any sense for me. He has to understand that we are fighting a Vale-Tudo event not Judo’, answered Minotauro.Nogueira is also very trustable about the most awaited combat of the event between his brother, Rog?rio, and Chute Boxer Maur?cio Shogun. ‘Rogerio is in a excelent shape. His stand up game improved a lot and He is also very sharp in the ground. It is going to be a great fight but He will win Shogun’. guaranteed Minotauro giving his predictions about other fights of the tournament: ‘Arona will probably submit Sakuraba; Vovchachyn will beat Overeem and Wanderlei will beat Nakamura’. Requested to give his opinion about the debut of his friend, Pedro Rizzo in the event against Kharitonov, Minotauro had no doubt:’Kharitonov is a excelent boxer but Pedro is a much more complete fighters. He is better in the ground and his strong low kicks will give problems to Khariyonov’,ended Rodrigo.

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