From New York Combat Sambo:
November 15, 2012/New York, NY. After Hurricane Sandy, the New York Blood Center supply dropped 6,000 units. You saw what happened with a two day interruption of gasoline supply? Now imagine that same interruption in blood supply. The New York City martial arts community can help now by stepping up and donating blood! We martial artists and fighters spend enough time shedding blood (all in good fun!); now let’s donate some for the good of our city!
New York Blood Center (NYBC) serves more than 20 million people in New York City, Long Island, the Hudson Valley, and New Jersey. Together with New York Combat Sambo, we are asking you to join the post Hurricane Sandy recovery! We will be hosting a blood drive on December 27, 2012 from 3 – 9pm. If you can’t make it to donate, please help us by taking a moment to promote the blood drive on your websites, blogs, to your students, on your podcasts, radio & television programs, anywhere you can! We want to beat the NYBC goal of 30 donors. Let’s show our city what its martial art community can do! If you need promotional materials, let us know and we will get them to you.
"We anticipated some of the potential effects of Hurricane Sandy and delivered blood in advance to our 200 partner hospitals" said NYBC Vice President Rob Purvis. "Our first priority remains getting them whatever they need for the care of patients, including surgeries that had to be delayed. Plus – with the holiday season right around the corner – we're in a tough spot," Purvis added. "We need the help of our communities to recover and replenish the supply."
Blood donors at the New York Combat Sambo Drive receive a free mini-medical exam (temperature, blood pressure and hematocrit levels). Donors must be at least age 16 (with parental permission), weigh at least 110lbs, and in good health.
To donate blood at the New York Combat Sambo Drive, please call or e-mail the club to register your name, phone number, and time you expect to show up (between 6-9pm). 917-617-5650 or [email protected] You can also register on-line by visiting our Facebook event page by searching for “NY Combat Sambo Blood Drive” on Facebook or following this link:
There will be cookies and juice for all donors. In addition, New York Combat Sambo is currently seeking donations of martial arts memorabilia and products to thank our blood donors on a first come first serve basis (less than $25 value per item please).
Please contact us if you would like to donate an item for our drive!
Learn more about the NY Blood Center here: