From California State Athletic Commission:
California State Athletic Commission
2005 Evergreen St., Ste. #2010
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 263-2195 FAX (916)) 263-2197
Members of the Commission
Commissioner John Frierson, Chair
Commissioner Eugene Hernandez, Vice-Chair
Commissioner Van Buren Lemons, M.D.
Commissioner Mike Munoz
Commissioner Christopher Giza, M.D.
Commissioner Linda Forster
Action may be taken on any item listed on the agenda except public comment.
Agenda items may be taken out of order
June 26, 2012
Teleconference Locations:
Bureau of Automotive Repair 1180 Durfee Avenue, Suite 120
South El Monte, CA 91733
The Palmer House- Hilton Hotel
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603 0
Radisson Blue Scandinavia
Holbergsgt, 30 N-0166
Oslo, Norway
12:00 Noon PST
Open Session:
1. Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Budget Update (Brian Skewis) e
3. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (Public comment may be given at any of the noticed locations for telephonic transmission to the other locations.)
Closed Session:
4. Continued Employment of the Executive Officer
Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(a)(1), the Commission will meet in closed session unless the Executive Officer exercises his right to have this agenda item heard in open session.
Even if the matter is addressed in open session, the Commission may still meet in closed session to conduct its deliberations pursuant to Government Code Section 1126 (a)(4).
5. Appointment of an Acting or Interim Executive Officer
If necessary, depending on the action of Agenda Item 4, the Commission will meet in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(a)(1) to discuss and possibly take action regarding the appointment of an Acting or Interim Executive Officer.
Open Session:
6. Report From Closed Session (if necessary, pursuant to Government Code section 11125.2).
7. Process for Selection of New Executive Officer (if necessary, depending on the action of Agenda Item 4).
8. Adjournment
NOTICE: The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Roseanna Leon at (916) 574-8250 or email [email protected] or sending a written request to Roseanna Leon at the Department of Consumer Affairs, 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite S 309, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation. Requests for further information should be directed to Roseanna Leon at the same address and telephone number.
Meetings of the California State Athletic Commission are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The audience will be given appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue presented.